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Brawijaya Journal of Social Science DOAJ
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A peerreviewed open access journal in community development democracy citizenship civil society social inclusion Brawijaya Journal of Social Science BJSS 28097068 Print 28097025 Online Website ISSN Portal
Brawijaya Journal of Social Science httpsbjssubacid BJSS Volume 1 Issue 2 Juni 2022 eISSN 28097025 pISSN 28097068 Menantang Tembok Patriarki Aktivis Perempuan LRC KJHAM dan Upaya Advokasi Kasus KDRT di Kota Semarang Alya Meuthia Zahwa Wida Ayu Puspitosari
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Brawijaya Journal Of Social Science
BJSS Volume 1 Issue 2 Juni 2022 UB
Brawijaya Journal of Social Science Paperity
Authors WA Puspitosari A Susanti U Arawindha International Journal of Social and Local Economic Governance 8 1 2022 2022 0 cited Menantang Tembok Patriarki Aktivis Perempuan LRC KJHAM dan Upaya Advokasi Kasus KDRT di Kota Semarang Authors AM Zahwa WA Puspitosari Brawijaya Journal of Social Science 1 2 80103 2022 2022 0 cited
Brawijaya Journal of Social Science DOAJ
Our journal covers the following areas of study in the current context Community Development Education and Social Transformation Cultural and Postcolonial Studies Democracy Citizenship and Civil Society Economy Organization and Society Gender and Family Studies Inclusion Social Justice and Social Policy Industrial and Labor Relations Peace Conflict and Security Studies Rural and
Brawijaya Journal of Social Science
Brawijaya Journal Of Social Science
Brawijaya Journal of Social Science Open Access Journal Homepage ISSN Print 28097068 ISSN Online 28097025 Published By universitas brawijaya
A peerreviewed open access journal in community development democracy citizenship civil society social inclusion Brawijaya Journal of Social Science BJSS 28097068 Print 28097025 Online Website Social Sciences Keywords community development
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